Senin, 08 Juli 2013

Free gift for a friend

Sebelum gue nulis panjang-panjang Gue mau bilang Terima kasih banyak , buat salah satu temen terbaik gue. Thanks banget buat si Dila. Sebenernya surat ini udah lama banget di tangan gue. Tapi entah kenapa baru hari ini gue tersentuh. Oke let's read. 

"Jalan Kolonel Barlian no.21 Blok D Lahat 
November 2 , 2012 

To: My lovely friend Angel Valencia 
      Jalan Veteran Palembang 

Dear , Jello
     How are you Jello ? I hope you are fine. I just reminscing our Junior High  School like. I missed that moment a lot. I missed the way we laughed together, shared our stories , hang out and our class in JHS. We were in the same class for 3 years and I still remember how we meet for the first time. We got closer cause of facebook  game named " Pet Society" hahaha.... Do you remember that ? That moment passed so quickly . Now we're separated miles away. You're in Palembang and I still in Lahat
    By the way how is your high school life ? Do you enjoy your new life in your new place ? I hope you have your fabulous stories there. I have read your latest posting in your blog. I can't stop laughing when I read that entry.
    Honestly , there's so much fun being a high school student. I feel more free from some rules in Junior High School such as bring handphone to school. But , one thing I have I hate about high school is school assignment . More task, exam , practicum and other school activities. 
    Next month on December 15, 2012 . I will get my report book. I hear that holiday will start on December 16, 2012 and end on January 3 , 2013. Do you have a free day to hang out with me ? When will you come to Lahat ? Will you come here in christmas holiday ? I hope you will say YES 
    I can't wait to see you. Take care and god bless you. Please reply my letter as soon as you can 

With love 
Your friend 

Dila "

Untuk, Dila
Berhubung gue ga ada tugas Bahasa Inggris , maka gue akan membalasnya dengan Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Sekali lagi terima kasih buat suratnya . Sewaktu gue terima surat ini , gue emang keliatan cuek. Tapi jauh di lubuk hati gue, gue merasa sangat tersentuh. Hiks hiks hiks.... 
Tentang awal kita bisa kenal. Gue masih sangat inget , karna itu cara ter-alay buat kenalan dengan temen. Gue juga sangat kangen ngabisi waktu bareng Dila. Kayaknya kita mesti luangin waktu buat debat lagi , gue beneran kangen saat-saat debat. Oh, ya good luck buat kehidupan baru di SMA. Semoga bukan hanya 3 tahun aja kita bisa sekelas hehehe...Dan gue masih punya satu impian , gue sangat kepingin kita berlibur bareng , tentunya dengan Vivian dan Vini. Mari menghabiskan waktu liburan bersama. 

Salam FF  
Teman tercintamu 

Angel :*"